Adventures In Epigenetics Part Two
Aging Myths Busted Wide Open!
What beliefs do you have about aging?
In this recording we address hard-wired aging beliefs & programs installed in our minds since childhood, by unknowing parents, friends and society.
Genetic Determinism is an Aging Myth we bust through and disseminate in this dynamic conversation.
Prepare yourself for scientific empowerment!
We do have power over how we prefer to age, and in this video we’ll share many compelling visuals and scientific evidence to prove these truths.
The top 3 health/body concerns are also addressed in this video, sharing innovative solutions for rapid and natural results.
The realm of Epigenetics is a massive ice-burg of fascination and we barely touch the tip in this recording.
Stay tuned for additional riveting information via livestreams, video series and films.
Enjoy All The Episodes From “Adventures In Anti-Aging”
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