Venice Boardwalk And Canals
Life Is Supposed To Be Fun
Join us for a stimulating jaunt down the ever-so-vibrant and never boring, Venice Boardwalk and then on to the Venice Canals.
The Chilson sisters are wonderfully inspired in their video-making by gorgeous areas like these.
The Canals had very low water this time of year, and yet they are so fascinating with their enchanting layouts and charming homes.
Visit the Duck Sanctuary with us; ducks are protected in the Canals.
Peruse the Venice Muscle Beach and Boardwalk culture.
We are!
Finish the adventure with us at a Santa Monica Main Street favorite for foodgasms at the delectable Japanese ‘SunnyBlue’ omusubi meals. If you haven’t tried one yet, we highly recommend it.
Life is a buffet of endless awesomeness. I enjoy sampling as much as possible.
*Note: Edited from iPhone whilst away from the desktop computer.
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