The Legend Of Alun, Alun


The Legend Of Alun, Alun

Could You Do This?

Folklore has it, if one is blind-folded and spun around in 7 times, then sent through the trees of Alun Alun in Jogjakarta, Java, and they can make it through the two trees on their own… then their wish comes true!

This is a RIOT! We all did it first with direction and of course made it through the trees. We did it again the proper way and all ended up to the right of the trees.

Funny. It feels like you’re going straight. I obviously don’t know my right from my left, haha. Good memories. That was an amazing day! We visited the Sultan’s Palace only to outrun a downpour, (literally) squeeze too many into a Tuk-Tuk, and then when the rain stopped got to experience folklore of Alun Alun.

Travel brings so many incredible experiences. Create it with friends & fam… now that’s the icing on the cake.


Climb the Himalayas in Nepal this April! Join Amie for an awe-inspiring adventure. First hike at to Mount Everest Base Camp (17,598 feet) during a 2-week expedition. After a brief rest, volunteer with Nepalese orphans & explore gorgeous National Parks. Then follow Amie on a solo quest for 12 days climbing the Annapurna Circuit (17,769 feet).

Let’s Go!

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