México Adventures Spring 2023
Discover Laguna Bacalar Paradise!
Where shall I spend my 46th birthday this year?
Few know this little secret….I’d planned to walk my 7th pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. The quest was dedicated to 45 days of walking — 30 on the Camino del Norte, and 15 as a reverse pilgrim from Santiago de Compostela, Spain to Porto, Portugal.
Just as I was about to mobilize this peregrina voyage, many ‘signs’ from the Universe came flooding in and a plot twist was activated.
Sparing the details, I was directed back to México and happily flew back to beautiful Cancún for a brand new adventure.
During this trip I spent most of my time exploring Laguna Bacalar on the east coast of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula near the Belize border.
‘La Laguna de los Siete Colores’ (the 7 color lagoon), it’s a stunning freshwater lake that is so clear it lives up to its nickname.
This was my very first visit to this region, and I fell in love with the gorgeous lake immediately and spent a good deal of my time swimming or floating on the healing waters.
Bacalar is a ‘pueblo mágico’ (or magical town) and it’s been delightfully invigorating to cross off a good percentage of México’s 132 sacred towns in-person over the years.
This charming village was easily explored on-foot, and discovering its gorgeous and abundant fruit, marketplaces, scenery and friendly locals was an unforgettable highlight.
I also made many new friendships amongst the guests and staff staying at the Bacalar accommodations, with a daily gathering on the laguna for sunrise and sunset. Lest we not forget the animal kingdom; several cats and dogs began following me around on the property, eager for treats or petting sessions.
Laguna Bacalar is truly a magical, sacred spot and I shall enthusiastically recommend it and look forward to my return one day soon.
Click below to scroll through a small sampling of my adventures in California Photo Gallery.
Enjoy All The Video Adventures From Mexico, 2023.
46th Birthday Celebration In Bacalar
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