Farming Adventures Photo Blog
Massive Respect For Farmers!
Becoming a farmer was not an intentional bucket list goal, however this past spring, summer through early fall I’ve gotten a real taste!
Farming is far more tedious, back-breaking and requires immense knowledge of agriculture than I imagined.
There were many responsibilities I took on, including running flats of strawberries from field workers to the trucks for sale at stands. When I say run, I literally mean a fast hustle navigating precarious rows, balancing 25-50lb of berries per trip under the hot sun, often logging 8-10 miles per morning.
I got to experience the bustling farm life by managing the main shed HQ, a hub for all activity of field & stand workers, customers, etc.
My favorite task was pulling weeds. Why? This solitary job was simple, quiet and profoundly peaceful. I’d rise before dawn and watch the sun come up over the farm fields with a warm breeze blowing through, smelling of plant and dirt.
I must have been a farmer in a past life, because there is something so innately satisfying to have my hands in the soil, growing and harvesting produce.
Obviously the most pleasurable aspect of my farming quest was harvesting glorious fruits and vegetables.
My intention for this video series was several-fold: inspire others to grow their own edible gardens, learn how to store their own food, provide recipe ideas for cooking & baking, and offer fascinating, educational information.
After creating 14 extremely unique and interesting videos, I am admittedly proud of my accomplishments. Thank you for taking this Farm-To-Table journey with me.
1. Watch the Introduction to the Farm-To-Table video series
2. Begin with the May late spring crop of Asparagus
3. We grew and harvested our own Rhubarb
4. There’s nothing like raising your own backyard chickens for fresh Eggs
5. I’ve got many wonderful childhood memories surrounding Strawberries
6. What a fun crop to cook with! The spectacular Sugar Snap Peas
7. You can get really creative with Kohlrabi
8. The wonderfully versatile and over-abundant Zucchini
9. Pickling cucumbers is easier than you think with Sun Pickles
10. Juice, Cook, Bake, Pickle, Freeze and Eat Raw Super Food Beets
11. Learn about the captivating history of Sweet Corn
12. What we do without the versatile vegetable Onions
13. Another sensory crop to harvest & cook is Bell Peppers
14. We eat them like a veggie, but they’re an amazing fruit Tomatoes
It has been a delight and honor to share the sweat from my brow and fruits of my labor with you, as well as my ongoing adoration for cuisine from around the world.
Click below to scroll through a small sampling of my adventures in farming Photo Gallery.
Enjoy The Entire FOODIE Video Series:
Enjoy FOODIE Farm-To-Table Video Series:
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