Day Four Ice Age Trail

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Day Four Ice Age Trail

A Marathon Distance In Flip Flops?

Sunshine and warmer weather were a welcome blessing!

25.7 miles was a bit further than I imagined, and my feet felt better hiking in flip flops vs. shoes.

Passing through gorgeous Weber Woods and crossing the creek was a highlight of the walk today.

My Trail Angels, Jena and Mike, were awesome people and wonderful to converse with over a delicious dinner of gourmet local pizza from Krohn’s Dairy.

They both earned degrees in Geology, (met in college) and I was delighted to hear about the Ice Age Trail’s history, geologically-speaking, and learn about what I’d be hiking through.

I am very much enjoying my adventure on the Ice Age Trail, as well as the new friends I’m making along the way.

Buen Camino!


Climb the Himalayas in Nepal this April! Join Amie for an awe-inspiring adventure. First hike at to Mount Everest Base Camp (17,598 feet) during a 2-week expedition. After a brief rest, volunteer with Nepalese orphans & explore gorgeous National Parks. Then follow Amie on a solo quest for 12 days climbing the Annapurna Circuit (17,769 feet).

Let’s Go!

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